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Publications Internationales

Al. Djebbari, Z. Chama, A. Djebbari.  « A Gaussian Mixture with Hidden Potts-Markov Model Used for Image Reconstruction- ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA”, Volume 49, Number 1, 2008 pp. 54-61, ISSN 1841-3323.

L. DEKKICHE, R. NAOUM. « Optimisation design of 90-degree bend in two dimensional photonic crystal waveguides Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (13): 2449-2455, 2008 ISSN:1812-5654.

Al. Djebbari, Z. Chama, A. Djebbari. "A GaussianMixture with Hidden Potts-Markov Model Used for Image Reconstruction- ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA, Volume 49, Number 1, 2008 pp. 54-61, ISSN 1841-3323,

A.Seddiki, A. M. Djebbouri and A.Taleb – Ahmed. “ PARP Reduction on weighed ofdm block codes for wireless communication”   Journal of Applied sciences, 2008 ISSN:1812-5654.

Communications Internationales

A.Bassou, A. Djebbari." Performance Evaluation of a New Trellis-Coded Modulation," IEEE SETIT’07 (4th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications), 2008.

A Seddiki, A.Djabbari , J.M.Rouvaen and A.Taleb – Ahmed." Performance Evaluation of BCH correcting Codes on a fading Channel using OFDM modulation”, 11th WSEAS CSCC,2008.