The laboratory of Biomathematics, organizes theInternational Biomathematical Modeling Days (IBMD-2023)to be held on 25 – 27 June, 2023, at the University Djillali Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria.It's aim is to present new methods and techniques on mathematical modeling in the life sciences, as well as tools for studying them. Through these days, opportunities will be given to doctoral students to attend conferences on very important topics in biomathematics, and also to present their research work. These days will cover four main axes of biomathematical topics, including but not limited to:

How to participate in this Event:

These days has three modes of communication: oral, poster or remote


IBMD-2023 offers chance to be published in international indexed journals (Scopus index).

Selected authors will be invited to elaborate extention on their research topic and submit the results for review and potential publication as a Special Issue in Journal of Biological Systems indexed in Scopus,

Further information about the submission guidelines will be made available to conference attendees during the event.

Important Date:

Submission deadline of the abstract:

        May 31, 2023

Notification of acceptance:

        June 8, 2023 




 Djillali Liabes University

Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Biomathematics Laboratory

Djillali Liabes University

Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria 

 Sciences Exactes Faculty

Djillali Liabes University

Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria






Directeur du Laboratoire: ................................................

E-mail : .............................................................

N° Tel : ..............................................................

N° Fax : .............................................................

ResearchGate : ................................................

Google Scholar: ................................................

le laboratoire de biomathématiques vous invite a la Journée Scientifique sur les Biomathématiques qui se déroulera le 08 Décembre, 2022 à Sidi Bel-Abbès.

Pour toute demande d’inscription à l’événement, il suffit de remplir le formulaire d’inscription et le renvoyer avant 03/12/2022 à l'adrese mail suivante: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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