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Evolving in Real Time a Neural Net Controller of Robot‐Arm: Track and Evolve

» Rahmoun Abdellatif
Type : Revue Internationale
Nom du journal : Informatica ISSN:
Volume : 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 63-76
Lien : »
Publié le : 01-01-2004

Evolutionary Engineering (EE) is defined to be “the art of using evolutionary algorithms approach such as genetic algorithms to build complex systems”. This paper deals with a neural net based system. It analyses ability of genetically trained neural nets to control Simulated robot arm, witch tries to track a moving object. In difference from classical Approaches neural network learning is performed on line, ie, in real time. Usually systems are built/evolved, ie, genetically trained separately of their utilization. That is how it is commonly done. It's a fact that evolution process is heavy on time; that's why Real‐Time approach is rarely taken into consideration. The results presented in this paper show that such approach (Real‐Time EE) is possible. These successful results are essentially due to the “continuity” of the target's trajectory. In EE terms, we express this by the Neighbourhood Hypothesis (NH) concept.

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