- A. Tilmatine, F.Miloua, N.Kadous. "Modelling of a wire-cylinder electrostatic precipitation using experimental designs methodology". IEEE/IAS Conference on Electrostatics. Berkeley, California. 6-9 June 2006.
- Medles, A. Tilmatine, A. Bendaoud, M. Younes, M. Rahli, L. Dascalescu. « Identification du Point Optimal de Fonctionnement et Evaluation de la Robustesse des Procédés Electrostatiques de Séparation ». Conférence SFE’2004 de la Société Française d’Electrostatique. 2-3 Septembre 2004 , Poitiers, France.
- Bendaoud, A.Tilmatine, K. Medles, M. Blajan, F. Miloua, L. Dascalescu. « Caractérisation des électrodes couronne de type dual ». Conférence SFE’2004 de la Société Française d’Electrostatique. 2-3 Septembre 2004 , Poitiers, France.
- M. Younes, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, M. Rahli, A. Samuila, L. Dascalescu. « Simulation Numérique des Trajectoires des Particules Métalliques dans le Séparateur Couronne-Electrostatique à Tambour ». Conférence SFE’2004 de la Société Française d’Electrostatique. 2-3 Septembre 2004 , Poitiers, France.
- Medles, A. Tilmatine, A. Bendaoud, M. Rahli, L. Dascalescu. « Set Point Identification and Robustness Testing of Electrostatic Separation Processes ». IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2004.
- Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, M. Rahli, M.Huzau, L. Dascalescu. « Caracterisation of dual corona electrodes for electrostatic processes applications». IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2004.
- A.Tilmatine, R.Ouiddir, M.Brahami. « Séparation d’un mélange de particules granuleuses isolantes de résistivités différentes ». Congrès SSA’99. Blida 10-12 mai 1999.
- M.Brahami, A.Bendaoud, A.Tilmatine. « Etude comparative des méthodes de prédétermination des perturbations radioélectriques engendrées par les lignes THT ».Congrès SSA’99. Blida 10-12 mai 1999.
- A.Tilmatine, M.Brahami ; S.Flazi. « Séparation des particules métalliques ». 1er Séminaire maghrébin SMAPDIMA’99. Annaba octobre 1999.
- L.Dascalescu, S.Billaud, A.Tilmatine, R.Köhnlechner, M.Mihailescu. « Optimization of electrostatic separation processes using response surface modeling ». IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, Chicago 2001, paper 54-4.
- A.Samuila, A.Tilmatine, M.Bouhmama, L.Dascalescu. « Modélisation expérimentale des procédés de séparation électrostatique des matériaux granulaires ». Congrès de la Société Française d’Electrostatique. Toulouse 2002.
- L.Dascalescu, A.Mihalcioiu, A.Tilmatine, M.Mihailescu, A.Iuga, A.Samuila. « A linear-interaction model for electrostatic separation processes ». IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, Pitsburgh, 2002, paper 36-5.
- M.Brahami, A.Bendaoud, A.Tilmatine. « Pertes par effet couronne en courant continu sur un conducteur aérien ». 1er Séminaire maghrébin SMAPDIMA’99. Annaba octobre 1999.
- Tilmatine, S.Flazi, L.Dascalescu, M.Brahami, K.Medles. « Séparation électrostatique des mélanges granulaires. Technologie appliquée à l’industrie de recyclage et la recherche minière ». International Conference on Energy Efficiency ICEE’2003. Alger 25-26 mai 2003.
- L.Dascalescu, A.Samuila A.Mihalcioiu, S.Bente, A.Tilmatine. « Robuste control of electrostatic separation processes ». Proceeding ESA-IEEE. Joint Meeting of Electrostatics, Little Rock. USA 2003.
- M.Rezouga, A.Tilmatine, K.Medles, M.Younes L.Dascalescu. « Modélisation expérimentale de la décharge couronne dans une configuration pointe-plan ». Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique SFE’2006. Grenoble, 29-31 Août.
- K.Senouci, A.Bendaoud, K.Medles, A.Tilmatine, L.Dascalescu. « Utilisation des cartes de contrôle dans les procédés de séparation électrostatique ». Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique SFE’2006. Grenoble, 29-31 Août.
- N.Kadous, A.Tilmatine, F.Miloua, K.Medles, M.Rezouga. « Réalisation des cartes de contrôle pour le pilotage de la précipitation électrostatique ». Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique SFE’2006. Grenoble, 29-31 Août.
- F.Miloua, A.Tilmatine, N.Kadous, K.Medles, L.Dascalescu. « Optimisation du procédé de frappage d’un précipitateur électrostatique fil-cylindre ». Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique SFE’2006. Grenoble, 29-31 Août.
- Mohamed Younes, Amar Tilmatine, Karim Medles, Lucian Dascalescu. “Fuzzy control of an electrostatic separation process”, Electrostatics, Berkeley, CA, Etats-Unis, pp. 794-805, 2006.
- A. Tilmatine, F. Miloua, N. Kadous, K. Medles, L. Dascalescu. “Optimisation of the Intermittent Operation of a Wire–Cylinder Electrostatic Precipitator”. Conference electrostatics2007. Oxford, UK. 25-29 march 2006.
- A. Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, M. Rahli, M. Huzau & L. Dascalescu “ Characterisation of dual corona electrodes for electrostatic processes applications” conférence IEEE/IAS , Seattle Etats-unis, 4-7 octobre 2004.
- K. Medles, A. Tilmatine, A. Bendaoud, K. Senouci, S. Das, A. Mihalcioiu, L.Dascalescu: «Capability Evaluation and Statistic Control of Electrostatic separation Processes» IEEE IAS 2005 Industry Applications Society, 40th Annual General Meeting, October 2-6, 2005, Hong Kong.
- M. Younes, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, M. Rahli, L. Dascalescu, « Numerical Modelling of Conductive Particle trajectories in roll-type Electrostatic separators » IEEE IAS 2005 Industry Applications Society, 40th Annual General Meeting, October 2-6, 2005, Hong Kong.
- K.Medles, K.Senouci, A.Tilmatine, A.Bendaoud, M.Younes, L.Dascalescu, “Modélisation par la méthode des plans d’expériences, Application au séparateur électrostatique des Particules », Conf. ICEE, Sidi Bel Abbes, 2006.
- F. Miloua, A. Semmah, N. Kadous, FZ. Rahou ,A. Tilmatine. « Effet granulométrique et physico-chimique des particules solides sur l’efficacité de filtration d’un précipitateur électrostatique de type « Cottrell ». ICEEA’06 (International Conference on Electrical Engineering and its Applications), Sidi Bel Abbès, Algérie.
- F. Miloua, A.Tilmatine, N.Kadous, K.Medles, L.Dascalescu. « Influence de l’instant, de la position et de la force de frappage sur le rendement d’un électrofiltre fil-cylindre ». CIGE 2006 (La seconde conférence Internationale sur la génie électrique), Béchar, Algérie.
- Senouci, Khouira; Bendaoud, Abdelber; Tilmatine, Amar; Medles, Karim; Das, Subhankar; Dascalescu, Lucian; ”Multivariate Statistical Process Control of Electrostatic Separation Processes”. Industry Applications Conference, 2007. 42nd IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2007 IEEE. 23-27 Sept. 2007 Page(s):787 – 791.
- Medles, K.; Tilmatine, A.; Bendaoud, A.; Senouci, K.; Das, S.; Mihalcioiu, A.; Dascalescu, L. “Capability evaluation and statistic control of electrostatic separation processes”. Industry Applications Conference, 2005. Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2005. Volume 4, 2-6 Oct. 2005 Page(s):2590 - 2596 Vol. 4 .
- K. Medles, A. Bendaoud, K. Senouci, A. Mihalcioiu , M. Younes, A. Tilmatine, L. Dascalescu, « Détermination du point optimal de fonctionnement d’un procédé de séparation électrostatique des matériaux granulaires », ICEL 2005, 15 Novembre, Oran.
- K. Senouci, A.Bendaoud, K. Medles, M. Younes, S. Das, A. Tilmatine, L. Dascalescu, « Application de la maîtrise statistique des procédés au pilotage d’un processus de séparation électrostatique », ICEL 2005, 15 Novembre, Oran.
- K. Medles, K. Senouci, A. Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine, M. Ghezaili, H. Sayah, « L'effet des différents paramètres sur les facteurs de surtension lors d'enclenchement d'une ligne de transport d'énergie électrique T.H.T » 1ère Conférence Internationale sur le Transport de l’Electricité en Algérie, du 19 et 20 septembre 2005 à l’hôtel El-Aurassi, Alger.
- K. Senouci, A.Bendaoud, K. Medles, S.Das, A.Tilmatine, L.Dascalescu, “Maîtrise statistique des procédés pour la détection dysfonctionnement d’un processus de séparation électrostatique”, Conf. ICEE 2005, SBA, 2006.
- K. Medles, L. Dascalescu, S. Das, A. Tilmatine, A. Dagaru, C. Dragan et M. Younes « Optimisation d’un processus de séparation électrostatique à électrode plaque » , 5ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique Grenoble, 30-31 août 2006
- M. Younes, A. Tilmatine, M. Ziane, K. Medles et L. Dascalescu « Trajectoires des particules conductrices dans le séparateur électrostatique à plaque » 5ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique Grenoble, 30-31 août 2006
- K. Senouci, A. Bendaoud, K. Medles, A. Tilmatine et L. Dascalescu « Utilisation des cartes de contrôles multicritères dans les procédés de séparation électrostatique » 5ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique Grenoble, 30-31 août 2006
- F. Miloua, A. Tilmatine, N. Kadous, K. Medles et L. Dascalescu « Optimisation du procédé de frappage d’un précipitateur électrostatique fil-cylindre » 5ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique Grenoble, 30-31 août 2006.
- K.Medles, K.Senouci, A.Tilmatine, A.Bendaoud, M.Younes, L.Dascalescu, “Modélisation par la méthode des plans d’expériences, Application au séparateur électrostatique des Particules », Conf. ICEEA, Sidi-Bel-Abbès, 2006.
- M.Ziane, A.Tilmatine, K.Medles, M.Bouhamama, G.Zissis Et J.J.Damelincourt. Modélisation du comportement dynamique du couple «réseau–lampe». Application à des lampes à décharge à mercure haute pression
- Tilmatine.A, Bendimerad.S, Medles.K, Bendaoud.A, Younes.M, Dascalescu.L “Set-point identification and robustness testing of a free-fall triboelectrostatic separation process”. IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, October 5-8, 2008. Edmonton, Alberta. Canada.
- Bendimerad.S, Tilmatine.A “Réalisation d’un séparateur électrostatique à chute libre. Application aux déchets plastiques. ICEEA’08, Sidi-Bel-Abbès. 20-21 mai 2008.
- L. Dascalescu, A. Tilmatine, , « Modelling of electrostatic separation processes using experimental designs techniques », ICEL 2005, 15 Novembre, Oran.
- K. Senouci, A. Bendaoud, K. Medles, A. Tilmatine, L. Dascalescu. “Comparative Study Between the Shewhart and CUSUM Charts for the Statistic Control of Electrostatic Separation Processes”. IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, October 5-8, 2008. Edmonton, Alberta. Canada.
- Zhengwei Long*, Qiang Yao, Qiang Song, LI Shuiqing, A.Tilmatine. “Computation of electrical conditions inside a wireplate electrostatic precipitator using an unstructured finite volume method”. IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, October 5-8, 2008. Edmonton, Alberta. Canada.
- A. Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, M. Younes, O. Blejan, L. Dascalescu. “Experimental Study of Corona Discharge Generated in a Modified Wire - Plate Electrode Configuration for Electrostatic Processes Applications”. IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, October 5-8, 2008. Edmonton, Alberta. Canada.
- K. Senouci, A. Bendaoud, K. Medles, A. Tilmatine, L. Dascalescu. « Etude comparative entre les cartes de contrôles Shewhart et CUSUM appliquées aux procédés de séparation électrostatique ». 6ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Électrostatique. Paris & Gif-sur-Yvette. 7, 8 et 9 Juillet 2008.
- M. Younes, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, A. Bendaoud, A. Samuila, L. Dascalescu. “Numerical Modelling of Insulating Particles Trajectories in Roll-type Corona-Electrostatic Separators ”. 6ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Électrostatique. Paris & Gif-sur-Yvette. 7, 8 et 9 Juillet 2008.
- Long, Zhengwei; Yao, Qiang; Song, Qiang; Li, Shuiqing; Tilmatine, A; ,Computation of electrical conditions inside a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator using an unstructured finite volume method,"Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2008. IAS'08. IEEE
- Tilmatine, Medles, M. Younes, A. Bendaoud, L. Dascalescu. « Roll-type versus free-fall electrostatic separation of tribocharged plastic particles ». IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Boston 16-19 June 2009.
- F. Miloua, A. Tilmatine, R. Gouri, S. Bedjaoui, L. Dascalescu. « Experimental evaluation of the filtration efficiency of a chicane-type electrostatic precipitator ». IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Boston 16-19 June 2009.
- Gouri, N. Zouzou, F. Miloua, A. Tilmatine, E. Moreau, L. Dascalescu. « Effect of the Discretization of the Active Electrode of Wire to Cylinder ESP on the Collection Efficiency of Submicron Particles for Different Particle Sizes » IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Boston 16-19 June 2009.
- Dahou, O.; Medles, K.; Touhami, S.; Boukhoulda, M.F.; Tilmatine, A.; Dascalescu, L.; “Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Optimization of a Roll-Type Electrostatic Separation Process”; IAS/IEEE annual meeting, 3-7 Octobre 2010. Houston.
- Dascalescu, L.; Bilici, M.; Dragan, C.; Samuila, A.; Ramdani, Y.; Tilmatine, A. “Robust Design and Capability Evaluation of a Tribo-Aerodynamic Charging Process for Fine Particles”. IAS/IEEE annual meeting, 3-7 Octobre 2010. Houston.
- A.Tilmatine, N.Hammadi, S.Remaoune, Y.Ramdani, L.Dascalescu. « Procèdes haute tension appliques à l’environnement ». Conférence Francophone sur l’éco-conception CONFREGE, 5-7 Décembre 2010, Toulouse. France
- R. Gouri, N. Zouzou, F. Miloua, A. Tilmatine, E. Moreau and L. Dascalescu. Effect of longitudinal distribution of dc corona discharge in wire"to"cylinder ESP on the collection efficiency of submicron particles. International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics –Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS. 25-28th March 2009
- R. Gouri, N. Zouzou, A. Tilmatine, E. Moreau, L. Dascalescu. Effect of the Dielectric Barrier on the Collection Efficiency of Submicron Particles in a Wire to Square Glass Tube ESP. 7th Conference of the French Society of Electrostatics SFE 2010, Montpellier, France, 30/08/2010-01/09/2010
- M Miloudi, K Medles, A Tilmatine, M Brahami and L Dascalescu. “Optimisation of belt-type electrostatic separation of granular plastic mixtures tribocharged in a propeller-type device”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 301 Number 1, 14 Apr 2011 – Electrostatics 2011 - 13th International Conference on Electrostatics in Bangor, UK at Bangor University
- R Gouri, N Zouzou, A Tilmatine, E Moreau and L Dascalescu. “Collection of submicron particles using DBD electrostatic precipitator in wire-to-square tube configuration”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 301 Number 1, 14 Apr 2011 – Electrostatics 2011 - 13th International Conference on Electrostatics in Bangor, UK at Bangor University
- Rahou, F.; Tilmatine, A.; Bilici, M.; Dascalescu, L.; Numerical simulation of tribo-aero-electrostatic separation of mixed granular solids. Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), 2011 IEEE
Issue Date: 9-13 Oct. 2011, Orlando, FL. On page(s): 1 – 6. - R Gouri, N Zouzou, A Tilmatine, E Moreau and L Dascalescu, “Collection Efficiency of a DBD Electrostatic Precipitator under Different High Voltage Waveforms”, 12th International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP XII), Nuremberg, Germany, May 9-13, 2011.
- Saïd Nemmich, Amar Tilmatine, Nacera Hammadi et Djillali Elmokeddem ; Réalisation d’un générateur d’ozone à décharge à barrière diélectrique et application pour le traitement de l’eau. International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development 29-30 November 2011
- Benabboun Adel, Tilmatine Amar, Medles Karim, Miloudi Mohamed, Dascalescu LucienEtude expérimentale des procèdes d’acquisition de charge triboélectrique pour séparateurs électrostatiques de particules de déchets en plastiqueConférence francophone sur l’éco-conception CONFREGE, 28-30 Ma 2012, Montréal. CANADA
- Sidi-Mohamed Remaoun, Amar Tilmatine, Farid Miloua, Nacéra Hammadi, Noureddine Zouzou, Lucien Dascalescu. Réalisation d’un précipitateur électrostatique avec un bon rapport qualité-prix pour un incinérateur de déchets médicaux. 8ème conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, 3-5 juillet 2012, Cherbourg-Octeville, France.
- Nacéra Hammadi, Amar Tilmatine, Sidi-Mohamed Remaoun, Karim Medles, Mansour Zegrar. Development of High-Voltage High-Frequency Power Supply for ozone generation. 8ème conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, 3-5 juillet 2012, Cherbourg-Octeville, France.
- Mohammed El-Mouloud Zelmat, Amar Tilmatine, Mohamed Rizouga, Rabah Gouri,Karim Medles, Lucien Dascalescu. Etude et réalisation d’un nouveau procédé tribo-cyclone d’acquisition de charge triboélectrique. 8ème conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, 3-5 juillet 2012, Cherbourg-Octeville, France.
- R. Gouri, N. Zouzou, A. Tilmatine and L. DascalescuCollection of submicron particles using a DBD precipitator energized by a modified square waveform voltage. 8ème conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, 3-5 juillet 2012, Cherbourg-Octeville, France.
- R. Gouri, N. Zouzou, A. Tilmatine, L. Dascalescu, “Enhancement of submicron particle electrostatic precipitation using DBD in wire-to-square tube configuration”, Electrostatics 2013, Budapest, Hungary, April 17–19, 2013 (Accepted).
- Fatima Rahou, Amar Tilmatine, Mihai Bilici, Lucian DascalescuNumerical Simulation of the Continuous Operation of a Tribo-aero-electrostatic Separator for Mixed Granular Solids”. IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Waterloo, Canada 12-15 June 2012
- Abdelber Bendaoud, Marius Plopeanu, Karim Medles, Amar Tilmatine, Lucien Dascalescu “Experimental study of corona discharge generated by a triode electrode system”. IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Waterloo, Canada 12-15 June 2012.
- Touhami , K.Medles, O.Dahou, A.Tilmatine,S.M., A.Bendaoud, L. Dascalescu,“Modeling and Optimization of a Roll-Type Electrostatic Separation Process Using Artificial Neural Networks”. IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Waterloo, Canada 12-15 June 2012.
- M. E. Zelmat, M. Rizouga, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, M. Miloudi, L. Dascalescu“Experimental Comparative Study of Different Tribocharging Devices for Triboelectric Separation of Insulating Particles”. IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Waterloo, Canada 12-15 June 2012.
- Mohamed Miloudi, Karim Medles, Amar Tilmatine, Lucian Dascalescu“Optimisation of belt-type electrostatic separation of tribo-aerodynamically charged granular plastic mixtures”. IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Waterloo, Canada 12-15 June 2012.
- S-M. Remaoun, A. Tilmatine, F. Miloua, N. Hammadi, N. Zouzou, L. Dascalescu,“Optimization of a Cost-Effective “Wire-Plate” Type ESP for Installation in a Medical Wastes Incinerator”. IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Waterloo, Canada 12-15 June 2012.
- F. Boukhoulda, M. Miloudi, K. Medles, M. Rezoug, A. Tilmatine, L. Dascalescu“Experimental Modelling of a New Tribo-electrostatic Separation Process for Mixed Granular Polymers”. IEEE/IAS Joint Conference on electrostatics. Waterloo, Canada 12-15 June 2012.
- A. Benabboun, A.Tilmatine, M.Zelmat, K.Medles, M.Rezouga“Triboelectric Separation of Granular Mixtures Of Polymers Using a Semi-Industrial Prototype”. 4th International Conference On Electrical Engineering May 8-10, 2012
- Yassine Bellebna, Amar Tilmatine, Rabah Ouiddir, Djillali mokeddem“Application of dielectric surface barrier discharge for air disinfection”. 4th International Conference On Electrical Engineering May 8-10, 2012
- Sidi-Mohamed Remaoun, Amar Tilmatine, Nacera Hammadi,“Identification of optimal values of a two stage electrostatic precipitator of welding fumes”. 4th International Conference On Electrical Engineering May 8-10, 2012
- A.Tilmatine, K.Medles, S.Nemmich, A.Benabboune, L.Dascalescu“High voltage processes for sustainable development”. 4th International Conference On Electrical Engineering May 8-10, 2012
- Miloudi Mohamed; Dascalescu, Lucian; Li, Jia; Medles, Karim; Tilmatine, Amar; Performance improvement of a tribo-electrostatic aero separator for granular materials of waste electrical and electronic equipment, "Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2014. Vancouver, Canada.
- Bermaki, H., Semmak, A., Bellebna, Y., Tilmatine, A., Rebersek, M., & Micklavcic, D. (2015, December). A solid state high voltage-pulsed electric field generator for application in food processing. In 2015 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)(pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Fodil, B. M., Karim, M., Mohamed, M., Amar, T., Abdelber, B., & Dascalescu, L. (2013, October). Effect of ambient humidity on the outcome of electrostatic separation process for mixed granular polymers. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2013 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Zelmat, M. E. M., Rizouga, M., Tilmatine, A., Bendaoud, A., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2013, October). Experimental analysis of a vibrating tribocharging device of plastic particles for free-fall triboelectric separator. InIndustry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2013 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Reguig, A., Bouteffaha, A., Boudra, H., Bendaoud, A., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2015, October). Effects of the presence of grounded shield in the proximity of high-voltage corona electrodes collection plates. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2015 IEEE(pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Bengrit, M., Miloua, F., Miloudi, M., Tilmatine, A., Dascalescu, L., & Zouzou, N. (2015, October). Premises of evaluation of the filtration efficiency of an electrostatic precipitator by measuring of the electric charge. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2015 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Ouiddir, R., Tilmatine, A., Bendaoud, A., Zelmat, M. E. M., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2015, October). Recovery of water bottles plastic using tribo-electrostatic separation process. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2015 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Mahi, I. N., Senouci, K., Tilmatine, A., Messafeur, R., Miloua, F., & Dascalescu, L. (2015, October). Premises of using triboelectric charge for identification of the granular product flowing in a pneumatic transport system. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2015 IEEE(pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Zelmat, M. E. M., Ouiddir, R., Tilmatine, A., Benabboun, A., Bendaoud, A., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2015, October). Experimental investigation of a new-electrostatic separation process for micronized plastics. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2015 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Mekhalef, A., Medles, K., Boukhoulda, M. F., Tilmatine, A., Messal, S., & Dascalescu, L. (2014, October). Study of a tribo-aero-electrostatic separator for mixtures of micronized insulating materials. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2014 IEEE(pp. 1-7). IEEE.
- Miloudi, M., Dascalescu, L., Li, J., Medles, K., & Tilmatine, A. (2014, October). Performance improvement of a separator tribo-electrostatic aero for granular materials plastics recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. InIndustry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2014 IEEE(pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Miloua, F., Tilmatine, A., Remaoun, S. M., Bengrit, M., Zouzou, N., & Dascalescu, L. (2013, October). Development of a cost-efficient electrostatic precipitator for hospital wastes incineration. In Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2013 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Souag, S., Benhamida, F., Ziane, I., Graa, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2015, October). Load bus voltage control using Fuzzy Logic under N-1 transmission line contingency. In North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2015(pp. 1-7). IEEE.
- Semmak Abdelkader, Bermaki Mohamed Hamza, Bellebna Yassine, Miloudi Kaddour, Gomis Cristian and Tilmatine Amar Extraction of pigments from PEF pretreated local microalgae. First World Congress on electroporation. Portoroz, Slovenia. Septembre, 6-10 2015.
- Mohammed Hamza Bermaki, Abdelkader Semmak, Matej Reberšek, Yassine Bellebna, Damijan Miklavčič and Amar Tilmatin Development of a Marx-type PEF generator using IGBT switches. First World Congress on electroporation. Portoroz, Slovenia. Septembre, 6-10 2015.
- Kaddour Miloudi, Amar Tilmatine, Youcef Benmimoun, Abdelkader Semmak and Hamza Bermaki. Set-Point Identification of a PEF System For Juice Extraction. First World Congress on electroporation. Portoroz, Slovenia. Septembre, 6-10 2015.
- Ouari, A., Alibida, A., Miloua, F., & Tilmatine, A. (2017, November). Design and Achievement of a New Hybrid Filter System Used in Cement Works. In Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (pp. 1063-1066). Springer, Cham.
- Richard, G., Benabderrahmane, A., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., Zeghloul, T., & Dascalescu, L. (2017, October). Factors that affect tribocharging of PE granules after exposure to a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). In 2017 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Benabderrahmane, A., Zeghloul, T., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2017, October). Experimental investigation of a roll-type tribo-electrostatic separator for granular waste plastics. In 2017 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Benabderrahmane, A., Richard, G., Delisor, A. M., Tilmatine, A., Zeghloul, T., & Dascalescu, L. (2017, June). Modeling and optimization of a roll-type tribo-electrostatic separator for granular plastic mixtures. In 2017 Annual Meeting of the Electrostatics of America.
- MILOUDI, K., TILMATINE, A., BENMIMOUN, Y., HAMIMED, A., TAIBI, A., & BELLEBNA, Y. (2018, October). Intensification of Essential Oil Extraction of Artemisia herba alba Using Pulsed Electric Field. In 2018 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM) (pp. 1-5).
- Reriballah, H., Aksa, W., Boukhoulda, M. F., Touhami, S., Medles, K., & Tilmatine, A. (2019, November). Realization and Optimization of a New Inclined Plane Electro-Separator. In 2019 International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering (ICAEE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Benabderrahmane, A., Zeghloul, T., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2019, September). Effect of dielectric barrier discharge exposure on the triboelectric charging of granular plastics. In 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Benaouda, I., Zeghloul, T., Medles, K., Mohammed, E. I., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2019, September). Insulating conveyor-belt-type electrostatic separator for triboelectrically-charged granular plastic wastes. In 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Benabderrahmane, A., Zeghloul, T., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2019, October). Surface treatment of granular materials by dielectric barrier discharge in view of triboelectric charging improvement. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1322, No. 1, p. 012005). IOP Publishing.
- Chekired, F., Houtti, S., Bouroussis, C. A., Rahmani, A., Tilmatine, A., & Canale, L. (2020, June). Low cost automation system for smart houses based on PIC microcontrollers. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Chekired, F., Canale, L., Tadjer, S., Louni, A., Bouroussis, C. A., & Tilmatine, A. (2021, October). Low Cost House Automation System based on Arduino Microcontroller. In 2021 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Louati, H., Zouzou, N., Tilmatine, A., & Ouiddir, R. (2021, October). Numerical study of the electro-adhesion force exerted on metal and polymer particles in electrostatic sorting application. In 2021 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
- Zeghoudi, A., Bendaoud, A., Canale, L., Tilmatine, A., & Slimani, H. (2021, September). Determination of Power Factor and Harmonic Distortion of AC/DC LED Driver. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Zeghoudi, A., Bendaoud, A., Canale, L., Tilmatine, A., & Slimani, H. (2021, September). Common Mode and Differential Mode noise of AC/DC LED Driver. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Louati, H., Zouzou, N., Tilmatine, A., & Ouiddir, R. (2021, October). Numerical study of the electro-adhesion force exerted on metal and polymer particles in electrostatic sorting application. In 2021 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
- Dascalescu, L.; Bilici, M.; Dragan, C.; Samuila, A.; Ramdani, Y.; Tilmatine, A ; “Robust Design and Capability Evaluation of a Tribocharging Process for Fine Particles”. 5728865 Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 47 Issue: 2. 2011
- Rezouga, M., Tilmatine, A., Ouiddir, R., Medles, K. Experimental Modelling of the Breakdown Voltage of Air Using Design of Experiments. Advances in electrical and computer engineering. Acadamy of Technical Science of Romania Vol.9, Issue 1, pp 41-45. 2009.
- Brahami, M.; Gourbi, A.; Tilmatine, A.; Dascalescu, L.; Numerical Analysis of the Induced Corona Vibrations on High-Voltage Transmission Lines Affected by Rainfall. Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, Issue Date: April 2011, Volume: 26 Issue:2. page(s): 617 – 624
- Mohamed Miloudi, Karim Medles, Amar Tilmatine, Mostefa Brahami, Lucian Dascalescu. Modeling and optimization of a propeller-type tribocharger for granular materials. Journal of Electrostatics. Volume 69, Issue 6, December 2011, Pages 631-637
- Mohamed Miloudi, Karim Medles, Amar Tilmatine, Mostefa Brahami, Lucian Dascalescu. Modeling and optimization of a propeller-type tribocharger for granular materials. Journal of Electrostatics. Volume 69, Issue 6, December 2011, Pages 631-637
- Dahou, O.; Medles, K.; Touhami, S.; Boukhoulda, M.F.; Tilmatine, A.; Dascalescu, L.; “Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Optimization of a Roll-Type Electrostatic Separation Process. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications Volume: 47 Issue: 5 Pages: 2218-2223. Sep-Oct 2011.
- Benhamida Farid; Bendaoud Abdelber; Medles Karim; Tilmatine Amar. Dynamic Economic Dispatch Solution with Practical Constraints Using a Recurrent neural network. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny Volume: 87 Issue: 8 Pages: 149-153 Published: 2011
- R Gouri, N Zouzou, A Tilmatine, E Moreau and L Dascalescu. Collection efficiency of submicrometre particles using single and double DBD in a wire-to-square tube ESP. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Volume 44 Number 49, 2011. abstract
- R. Gouri, N. Zouzou, A. Tilmatine, E. Moreau, L. Dascalescu, “Collection Efficiency of a DBD Electrostatic Precipitator under Different High Voltage Waveforms”, International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, pp.191-195, 2011
- N. Hammadi, R. Ouiddir , A. Tilmatine, S.M. Remaoun, K. Medles. Experimental investigation of the dielectric barrier discharge using design of experiments. Transactions D: Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Scientia Iranica D (2012) 19 (3). Elsevier, 836–840
- Rahou, F.; Tilmatine, A.; Bilici, M.; Dascalescu, L.; Numerical simulation of tribo-aero-electrostatic separation of mixed granular solids. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.Vol. 48, NO. 2, March/April 2012
- A. Tilmatine , N. Hammadi , S. M. Remaoun , K. Medles, S. Nemmich and L.Dascalescu. 2012. “Processes for Sustainable Development Using High-Intensity Electric Fields.“ International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, volume 6, Issue: 177-185, 2013.
- R. Gouri, N. Zouzou, A. Tilmatine, L. DascalescuEnhancement of submicron particle electrostatic precipitation using dielectric barrier discharge in wire-to-square tube configuration. Volume 71, Issue 3, June 2013, Pages 240–245, Journal of electrostatics
- S.-M. Remaoun, A. Tilmatine, N. Hammadi, F. Miloua, K. MedlesOptimisation of one stage electrostatic precipitator for welding fume filtration. Scientia Iranica D (2012) 19 (6), 1861–1864, Transactions D: Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering
- Zelmat, M. E. M., Rizouga, M., Tilmatine, A., Medles, K., Miloudi, M., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Experimental comparative study of different tribocharging devices for triboelectric separation of insulating particles. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 49(3), 1113-1118.
- Bellebna, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2013). Application of dielectric surface barrier discharge for air disinfection. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 13(3), 22.
- Fatima Rahou, Amar Tilmatine, Mihai Bilici, Lucian Dascalescu. « Numerical simulation of the continuous operation of a tribo-aero-electrostatic separator for mixed granular solids”. Journal of Electrostatics 71 (2013) 867-874.
- Bouteffaha, A., Bendaoud, A., Plopeanu, M. C., Tilmatine, A., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2014). Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Corona Discharge Generated by a Triode Electrode System. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 9994(c),
- Boukhoulda, M. F., Miloudi, M., Medles, K., Rezoug, M., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Experimental Modeling of a New Triboelectrostatic Separation Process for Mixed Granular Polymers. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 49(6), 2375–2381. doi:10.1109/TIA.2013.2263113
- Miloudi, M., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., Member, S., Bendaoud, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Optimization of Belt-Type Electrostatic Separation of Triboaerodynamically Charged Granular Plastic Mixtures, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 49, NO. 4, July/August 2013. 49(4), 1781–1786.
- Miloudi, M., Remadnia, M., Dragan, C., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Experimental Study of the Optimum Operating Conditions of a Pilot-Scale Tribo-Aero-Electrostatic Separator for Mixed Granular Solids. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 49(2), 699–706.
- Remaoun, S. M., Miloua, F., Tilmatine, A., Hammadi, N., Zouzou, N., & Dascalescu, L. (2014). Optimization of a cost-effective “wire-Plate”-type ESP for installation in a medical waste incinerator. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 50(2), 1391–1396.
- Zerhouni, FZ; Zerhouni, MH; Zegrar, M; Benmessaoud, MT; Tilmatine, A; Stambouli, A Boudghene; Modelling polycristallin photovoltaic cells using design of experiments, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 21, N°6, pp.2273-2279 (2014),"Elsevier Science”
- Tilmatine, A., Benabboun, A., Brahmi, Y., Bendaoud, A., Miloudi, M., & Dascalescu, L. (2014). Experimental Investigation of a New Triboelectrostatic Separation Process for Mixed Fine Granular Plastics, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 50(6). Pp.4245-4250
- Touhami, S., Medles, K., Dahou, O., Tilmatine, A., Bendaoud, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Modeling and optimization of a roll-type electrostatic separation process using artificial neural networks. IEEE transactions on industry applications, 49(4), 1773-1780.
- Zelmat, M. E., Rizouga, M., Tilmatine, A., Bendaoud, A., Member, S., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2014). Experimental Analysis of a Vibrating Tribocharging Device of Plastic Particles for a Free-Fall Electrostatic Separator, 50(6), 4228–4232.
- Zelmat, M., Tilmatine, A., Rizouga, M., Gouri, R., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Experimental analysis of a cyclone tribocharging device for free-fall triboelectric separation of plastic particles. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 20(5), 1584–1589.
- Gouri, R., Tilmatine, A., Zouzou, N., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Study of DBD precipitator energized by a modified square waveform voltage. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 20(5), 1540–1546.
- Bellebna, Y., Ouiddir, R., Dey, Z., Miloudi, M., & Tilmatine, A. (2014). Robustness testing of the juice extraction process using a pulsed electrical field. International Journal of Environmental Studies, (July), 1–12.
- Benabboun, A., Tilmatine, A., Brahami, Y., Bendimerad, S.-E., Miloudi, M., & Medles, K. (2014). Experimental Investigation of Electrostatic Separators of Plastic Particles using Different Charging Devices. Separation Science and Technology, 49(3), 464–468.
- Berrached, D., Tilmatine, A., Miloua, F., & Bengrit, M. (2014). Modeling of A Two Stages Electrostatic Air Precipitation Process using Response Surface Modeling. Archives of Electrical Engineering, 63(4), 609–619.
- Miloua, F., Remaoun, A. T. S.-M., Berrached, D., & Bengrit, M. (2013). Application of electrostatic precipitator in collection of smoke particles from hospital wastes combustion. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 70(4), 527–535.
- Miloua, F., Tilmatine, A., & Dăscălescu, L. (2013). Optimisation de l’efficacité de filtration d’un précipitateur électrostatique fil-cylindre, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Électrotechn. et Énerg., 58, 2, p. 153–162, Bucarest, 2013.
- Younes, M., Younes, a., Sayah, H., Tilmatine, a., Samuila, a., & Dascalescu, L. (2013). Numerical and Experimental Study of Insulating Particles Behavior in Roll-Type Corona-Electrostatic Separators. Particulate Science and Technology, 31(1), 71–80.
- Brahami, MN; Hadjeri, S; Nemmiche, S; Brahami, M; Tilmatine, A; ,Experimental investigation of a PV solar generator for supplying water treatment process, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1-15, 2014,Taylor & Francis
- Bendimerad, S. E., Tilmatine, A., Medles, K., Miloudi, M., Brahami, Y., & Dascalescu, L. (2014). Robustness testing of a free-fall triboelectric separation process for plastic waste recovery. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 7(4), 284-292.
- Nemmich, S., Tilmatine, A., Dey, Z., Hammadi, N., Nassour, K., & Messal, S. (2015). Optimal sizing of a DBD ozone generator using response surface modeling. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 37(1), 3-8.
- Brahami, Y., Tilmatine, A., Ouiddir, R., Bendaoud, A., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2015). Experimental Modeling of a New Triboelectrostatic Separation Process for Micronized Plastics. Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on,51(5), 4145-4150.
- Mekhalef Benhafssa, A., Medles, K., Boukhoulda, M. F., Tilmatine, A., Messal, S., & Dascalescu, L. (2015). Study of a Tribo-Aero-Electrostatic Separator for Mixtures of Micronized Insulating Materials. Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, 51(5), 4166-4172.
- Touhami, S., Aksa, W., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2015). Numerical Simulation of the Trajectories of Insulating Particles in a Tribo-aero-electrostatic separator. Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, 51(5), 4151-4158.
- Bouregba, N., Benmimoun, Y., Meddah, B., Tilmatine, A., & Ouldmoumna, A. (2016). Ozonation of wastewater in Algeria by dielectric barrier discharge.Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(4), 1824-1835.
- Chafai, D. E., Mehle, A., Tilmatine, A., Maouche, B., & Miklavčič, D. (2015). Assessment of the electrochemical effects of pulsed electric fields in a biological cell suspension. Bioelectrochemistry, 106, 249-257.
- Nassour, K., Brahami, M., Nemmich, S., Hammadi, N., Zouzou, N., & Tilmatine, A. (2015). “Comparative Experimental Study between Surface and Volume DBD Ozone Generator”. Ozone: Science & Engineering. Vol. 38, Issue 1, pp.1-7.
- Atroune, S., Tilmatine, A., Alkama, R., Samuila, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2015). Comparative Experimental Study of Triboelectric Charging of Two Size Classes of Granular Plastics. Particulate Science and Technology, 33(6), 652-658.
- Brahami, M. N., Hadjeri, S., Nemmiche, S., Brahami, M., & Tilmatine, A. (2015). Experimental investigation of a PV solar generator for supplying water treatment process. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 72(1), 207-221.
- Miloudi, M., Medles, K., Bendaoud, A., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2015). Improvement of the industrial pilot of a tribo-aero-electrostatic separator for binary mixtures of granular insulating materials. Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, 51(4), 3479-3484.
- Bouteffaha, A., Bendaoud, A., Tilmatine, A., Medles, K., Plopeanu, M. C., & Dascalescu, L. (2015). Experimental and numerical characterization of corona discharge generated by a triode electrode system. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 51(3), 2513-2519.
- Bellebna, Y., Ouiddir, R., Nemmich, S., & Tilmatine, A. (2015). Application of dielectric surface barrier discharge for food storage. Leonardo Journal of Sciences, (26), 17-28.
- Brahami, Y., Tilmatine, A., Bendimerad, S. E., Miloudi, M., Zelmat, M. E. M., & Dascalescu, L. (2016). Tribo-aero-electrostatic separation of micronized mixtures of insulating materials using “back-and-forth” moving vertical electrodes. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 23(2), 669-704.
- Ramdani, N., Lousdad, A., Tilmatine, A., & Nemmich, S. (2016). Dielectric barrier discharge-based investigation and analysis of wastewater treatment and pollutant removal. Water Science and Technology, 73(12), 2858-2867.
- Amir, Merahi; Karim, Medles; Bendaha Mourad, Bardadi; Amar, Tilmatine; ,Design and development of a low cost technique for sorting household wastes using eddy current separation process, International Journal of Environmental Studies,73,2,203-213,2016,Taylor & Francis
- Hammadi, Nacera; Zegrar, Mansour; Nemmich, Said; Dey, Zouaoui; Remaoun, Sidi-Mohamed; Naouel, Bouregba; Tilmatine, Amar; Development of high-voltage high-frequency power supply for ozone generation, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 11(5),755-767.
- Ramdani, N; Lousdad, A; Tilmatine, A; Nemmich, S; Dielectric barrier discharge-based investigation and analysis of wastewater treatment and pollutant removal, Water Science and Technology,73,12,2858-2867,2016,IWA Publishing
- Miloudi, M., Dascalescu, L., Li, J., Medles, K., & Tilmatine, A. (2015). Improved Overall Performances of a Tribo-Aero-Electrostatic Separator for Granular Plastics From Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 51(5), 4159-4165.
- Nemmich, S., A. Tilmatine, and N. Hammadi. "Set-point identification of an ozone water treatment process." Latin American Applied Research 46.1-2 (2016): 1-6.M'hamed Houari, Zerhouni; Fatima Zohra, Zerhouni; Mansour, Zegrar; Amar, Tilmatine. Photovoltaic solar array: Modeling and output power optimization, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,35,5,1529-1536,2016,
- Kherbouche, F; Benmimoun, Y; Tilmatine, A; Zouaghi, A; Zouzou, N; Study of a new electrostatic precipitator with asymmetrical wire-to-cylinder configuration for cement particles collection, Journal of Electrostatics,83,,7-15,2016,Elsevier
- Nassour, K., Brahami, M., Nemmich, S., Hammadi, N., Zouzou, N., & Tilmatine, A. (2016). Comparative experimental study between surface and volume DBD ozone generator. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 38(1), 70-76.
- Bouregba, N., Benmimoun, Y., Meddah, B., Tilmatine, A., & Ouldmoumna, A. (2016). Ozonation of wastewater in Algeria by dielectric barrier discharge. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(4), 1824-1835.
- Labair, H., Touhami, S., Tilmatine, A., Hadjeri, S., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2017). Study of charged particles trajectories in free-fall electrostatic separators. Journal of Electrostatics, 88, 10-14.
- Zelmat, Amina; Hadi, Hocine; Amiali, Malek; Gashovska, Tanya; Tilmatine, Amar; Determination and analysis of the electrical components of a PEF treated equivalent circuit of potato tissue, International Journal of Environmental Studies. 1-13,2016,Routledge
- Bekkara, M. F., Benmimoun, Y., Tilmatine, A., Miloudi, K., & Flazi, S. (2017). An effective approach for designing a low pressure DC glow discharge plasma reactor. Journal of Electrostatics, (88), 225-231.
- Mimouni, C., Tilmatine, A., Rahou, F. Z., & Dascalescu, L. (2017). Numerical simulation of a tribo-aero-electrostatic separation of a ternary plastic granular mixture. Journal of Electrostatics. 88 (1), 02-09
- Reguig, A., Bendaoud, A., Bouteffaha, A., Boudra, H., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2017). Ground-Shielded Dual-Type High-Voltage Electrode for Corona Charging Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53(2), 1439-1445.
- Bermaki, H; Ziane, M; Semmak, A; Bellebna, Y; Belhassaini, H; Tilmatine, A; Experimental analysis of monoaxial and biaxial pulsed electric field treatment chambers for food processing, Carpathian journal of food science and technology,9,1,43-50,2017,
- Bellebna, Yassine; Bermaki, Hamza; Semmak, Abdelkader; Chaker, Abdelkader; Tilmatine, Amar; Experimental modeling of the application of pulsed electric field for enhancement of betanin and juice extraction using RSM technique. Carpathian journal of food science and technology,9,1,27-35,2017
- Bellebna, Y., Bermmaki, H., Semmak, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2016). Experimental design for enhancement of betanin in beet juice using pulsed electric field. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineering. Series II, 9(2), 71.
- Chebbah, A., Hadjeri, S., Nemmich, S., Nassour, K., Zouzou, N., & Tilmatine, A. (2017). Development and Experimental Analysis of a New “Serpentine-Shape” Surface-DBD Ozone Generator—Comparison with a Cylindrical Volume-DBD Ozone Generator. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 39(3), 209-216.
- Zelmat, M. E. M., Tilmatine, A., Touhami, S., Bendaoud, A., Medles, K., Ouiddir, R., & Dascalescu, L. (2017). Experimental Investigation of a New Tribo-aeroelectrostatic Separation Process for Micronized Plastics from WEEE. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
- Nassour, K., Brahami, M., Nemmich, S., Hammadi, N., Zouzou, N., & Tilmatine, A. (2017). New Hybrid Surface–Volume Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Ozone Generation. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53(3), 2477-2484.
- Nassour, K., Brahami, M., Tilmatine, A., Nemmich, S., Miloua, F., & Ramdani, N. (2018). Comparative Experimental Analysis of Ozone Generation between Surface and Volume DBD Generators. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 25(2), 429.
- Bekkara, M. F., Dascalescu, L., Benmimoun, Y., Zeghloul, T., Tilmatine, A., & Zouzou, N. (2018). Modification of surface characteristic and tribo-electric properties of polymers by DBD plasma in atmospheric air. The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 81(1), 10801.
- Mahi, I., Messafeur, R., Belgacem, A., Bellebna, Y., Louati, H., & Tilmatine, A. (2018). New separation method of metal/plastic micronized particles using travelling wave conveyors. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 75(5), 788-799.
- Belgacem, A., Tilmatine, A., Bellebna, Y., Miloua, F., Zouzou, N., & Dascalescu, L. (2018). Experimental analysis of the transport and the separation of plastic and metal micronized particles using travelling waves conveyor. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 25(2), 435-440.
- Reguig, A., Bendaoud, A., Tilmatine, A., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2018). Effect of shielded electrodes dimensions on corona charging systems. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 25(2), 396-403
- Messafeur, R., Mahi, I., Ouiddir, R., Medles, K., Dascalescu, L., & Tilmatine, A. (2019). Tribo-electrostatic separation of a quaternary granular mixture of plastics. Particulate Science and Technology, 37(6), 760-765.
- Benaouda, I., Zelmat, M. E. M., Ouiddir, R., Dascalescu, L., & Tilmatine, A. (2019). Analysis of a novel insulating conveyor-belt tribo-electrostatic separator for highly humid granular products. Journal of Electrostatics, 100, 103357
- Benabderrahmane, A., Zeghloul, T., Aksa, W., Tilmatine, A., Medles, K., & Dascalescu, L. (2019). Shredding as simultaneous size-reduction and tribo-charging operation for improved performances of an electrostatic separation process for granular plastic wastes. Particulate Science and Technology, 1-8.
- Bechekir, S., Brahami, M., Abdeslam, D. O., Nemmich, S., Nassour, K., & Tilmatine, A. Development of a Low-Cost Ozone Generator Supply-Optimization Using Response Surface Modeling. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, Vom. 13, N°1. Pp-1-8.
- Alibida, A., Zelmat, S., Zelmat, M. E., Neagoe, M. B., Miloua, F., Dascalescu, L., & Tilmatine, A. (2019). Experimental analysis of a new attraction force applied on metal particles. Particulate Science and Technology, 1-6.
- Nemmich, S., Elmouloud Zelmat, M., Nassour, K., Hammadi, N., Draou, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2019). Experimental analysis of the influence of the voltage waveform on ozone generation efficiency. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 76(4), 571-581.
- Kadous, N., Miloua, F., & Tilmatine, A. (2019). Particle distribution analysis along the collection electrode of a ‘wire-to-cylinder’electrostatic precipitator. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 76(2), 295-305.
- Draou, A., Nemmich, S., Nassour, K., Benmimoun, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2019). Experimental analysis of a novel ozone generator configuration for use in water treatment applications. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 76(2), 338-350.
- Bouhamri, N., Zelmat, M. E., & Tilmatine, A. (2019). Micronized plastic waste recycling using two-disc tribo-electrostatic separation process. Advanced Powder Technology, 30(3), 625-631.
- Tilmatine, A., Alibida, A., Zelmat, S., Louati, H., Bellebna, Y., & Miloua, F. (2018). On the attraction force applied on metal pieces in a traveling wave conveyor. Journal of Electrostatics, 96, 64-68.
- Aouimeur, D., Miloua, F., Bengrit, M., Tounsi, F., & Tilmatine, A. (2018). Novel electrostatic induction measurement method for monitoring particle flows in an electrostatic precipitator. Particulate Science and Technology, 38(1), .
- Jbilou, M., Brahami, M. N., Nemmich, S., Brahami, M., & Tilmatine, A. (2018). Ozone food storage supplied by photovoltaic energy. Carpathian Journal of Food Science & Technology, 10(4).
- G. Richard, A. Tilmatine, A. Benabderrahmane, T. Zeghloul, K. Medles and L. Dascalescu, "Factors That Affect Tribocharging of Polyethylene (PE) Granules After Exposure to a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD)," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 812-816, (2018)
- Miloudi, K., Hamimed, A., Benmimoun, Y., Bellebna, Y., Taibi, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2018). Intensification of Essential Oil Extraction of the Marrubium vulgare Using Pulsed Electric Field. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 21(3), 811-824.
- Bouhmama, M., Flazi, S., Nemmich, S., & Tilmatine, A. (2018). Experimental modeling of the flashover of polluted insulator in the presence of a metal plate using RSM technique. Journal of Power Technologies, 97(4), 342-346.
- Miloudi, K., Hamimed, A., Benmimoun, Y., Bellebna, Y., Taibi, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2018). Application of pulsed electric field for intensification of essential oil extraction. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 10(1), 104-110.
- Bellebna, Y., Bermmaki, H., Semmak, A., Chaker, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2017). Study and analysis of new pulsed electric field treatment chamber configurations for food extraction. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 25(5), 4149-4159.
- Bellebna, Y., Bermmaki, H., Semmak, A., Chaker, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2017). Study and analysis of new pulsed electric field treatment chamber configurations for food extraction. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 25(5), 4149-4159.
- Semmak, A., Bellebna, Y., Bermaki, H., Miloudi, K., Belhassaini, H., & Tilmatine, A. (2017). Experimental investigation of a multi-unit square PEF treatment chamber for food processing. Carpathian Journal of Food Science & Technology, 9(4).
- Medles, Tilmatine, Bendaoud, Younes, Rahli, Dascalescu. « Identification du point optimal du fonctionnement et évaluation de la robustesse des procédés électrostatiques de séparation ». Acta Electrotechnica, Acadamy of Technical Science of Romania. volume 47, Number 1, 2006.
- Younes, Tilmatine, Medles, Rahli, Samuila, Dascalescu. "Simulation numérique des trajectoires des particules métalliques dans le séparateur couronne-électrostatique à tambour". Acta Electrotechnica, Acadamy of Technical Science of Romania. volume 47, Number 1, 2006.
- M.Ziane, A.Tilmatine, K.Medles, J.J.Demelincourt. « Modélisation du comportement dynamique du couple “réseau-lampe”. Application à des lampes à décharge à mercure haute pression ». Acta Electrotechnica, Acadamy of Technical Science of Romania. volume 47, Number 3, 2006.
- Rezouga, M.; Tilmatine, A.; Ziane, M.; Ouiddir, R.; Medles, K. Experimental modelling of air breakdown voltage using designs of experiment. Journal of Electrical Engineering Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 15 pp.
- A.Tilmatine, M.Brahami, R.Gouri, F.Miloua. “Using experimental designs for modelling of intermittent air filtration process”. Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. China. Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag 2008. Volume 3, Number 2 / juin 2008.
- M. Brahami, A. Tilmatine, A. Kanssab, A. Bendaoud. “Future 400 kV Algerian Network and Radioelectric Disturbances in Dry Weather and Under Rain”. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 4, No. 2. November 2007, 207-221, 207.
- Gourbi, M. Brahami, A. Tilmatine and P. Pirotte. Numerical simulation of corona-induced vibration of high voltage conductor Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. China Education Press and Springer-Verlag 2009. Volume 4, Number 3, 335-341
- Bellebna, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2013). Application of dielectric surface barrier discharge for air, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 13, No. 3,2013, 22–26.
- Bouregba, N., Tilmatine, A., Nemmich, S., Benmimoun, Y., & Hammadi, N. (2013). Electrical Characterization of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Ozone Generator and its Application for Wastewater Treatment. International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON), 1(5), 228-231.
- Bouhmama, M., Flazi, S., Nemmich, S., & Tilmatine, A. (2018). Experimental modeling of the flashover of polluted insulator in the presence of a metal plate using RSM technique. Journal of Power Technologies, 97(4), 342-346.
- Louati, H., Tilmatine, A., Ouiddir, R., Alibida, A., & Zouzou, N. (2020). New separation technique of metal/polymer granular materials using an electrostatic sorting device. Journal of Electrostatics, 103, 103410.
- Ouari, A., Miloua, F., Labair, H., & Tilmatine, A. (2020). Experimental analysis of a corona-charged baghouse filter. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 77(5), 739-748.
- Fekir, D. E., Miloudi, M., Kimi, I., Miloua, F., & Tilmatine, A. (2020). Experimental and numerical analysis of a new tribo-electrostatic separator with coaxial cylindrical electrodes for plastic binary granular mixtures. Journal of Electrostatics, 108, 103523.
- Bellebna, Y., Nemmich, S., Nassour, K., & Tilmatine, A. (2020). Experimental comparative study of different treatment food processing using pulsed electric field. Carpathian Journal of Food Science & Technology, 12(5).
- Ali, A. H., Zelmat, M. E., Touhami, S., Louhadj, S., Benmimoun, Y., Louati, H., & Tilmatine, A. (2020). Using a vibrating electrical curtain conveyor for separation of plastic/metal particles. Powder Technology, 373, 267-273.
- Louhadj, S., Hammadi, N., Touhami, S., Louati, H., Hadjali, A., Kimi, I. E., & Tilmatine, A. (2020). Experimental analysis of the attraction force applied on metal particles using a double-side electrical curtain. Journal of Electrostatics, 105, 103448.
- Benaouda, I., Zeghloul, T., Medles, K., Zelmat, M. E. M., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2020). Corona-Charged Insulating Belt Electrode Conveyor-Type Electrostatic Separator for Granular Plastic Wastes. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56(6), 6997-7004.
- Benabderrahmane, A., Zeghloul, T., Medles, K., Tilmatine, A., & Dascalescu, L. (2020). Triboelectric Charging of Granular Polymers Previously Exposed to Dielectric Barrier Discharges in Atmospheric Air. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56(3), 3061-3067.
- Brahami, M. N., Boudjella, F. Z., Nemmich, S., Tilmatine, A., Hadjeri, S., & Brahami, M. (2020). Identifying optimal orientation of a photovoltaic generator for ozone water treatment. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ), 19(12).
- Bellebna, Y., Nemmich, S., Nassour, K., & Tilmatine, A. (2020). Carpathian Journal Of Food Science And Technology.
- Bellebna, Y., Nassour, K., Nemmich, S., & Tilmatine, A. (2020). Analysis and optimization of pulsed electric field distribution efficiency in a cylindrical treatment chamber for juice extraction. Carpathian Journal of Food Science & Technology, 12(4).
- Louati, H., Zouzou, N., Tilmatine, A., Zouaghi, A., & Ouiddir, R. (2021). Experimental investigation of an electrostatic adhesion device used for metal/polymer granular mixture sorting. Powder Technology, 391, 301-310.
- Brahami, Y., Tilmatine, A., Benabboun, A., & Bousmaha, I. S. (2021). Experimental investigation of a tribo-electrostatic separation device using linear moving electrodes. Particulate Science and Technology, 39(6), 657-662.
- Houari, T, Zelmat, ME & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Development of a compact power supply for dielectrophoretic applications. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1-9.
- Bellebna, Y., Nemmich, S., Nassour, K., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Analysis of pulsed electric field pre-treatment for beet juice extraction: Evaluation of treatment chambers configuration effects. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 23(2).
- Kimi, I. E., Miloudi, M., Touhami, S., Fekir, D. E., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Experimental investigation of a modified free-fall tribo-electrostatic separator with rotating electrodes. Particulate Science and Technology, 1-9.
- Benabboun, A., Bellebna, Y., Brahami, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Modelling and optimization of the waste micronized plastics recovery by triboelectrostatic separator. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ), 20(5).
- Bellebna, Y., Ramdani, N., Khalfi, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). A new design of square paralelipedic treatment chamber for food processing using pulsed electric field. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4, 45-53.
- Bekkara, F. M., Benmimoun, Y., Kheiter, A., Chelih, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Electrostatic charge decay and filtration performance of nonwoven filters in the vicinity of grounded metal grids. Journal of Electrostatics, 110, 103554.
- Ahmed, H. T., Elmouloud, Z. M., Ail, B., Ouiddir, R., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Experimental analysis of micronized plastic particle movement on electrodynamic screens. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1-16.
- Taleb, Z., Ramdani, A., Berenguer, R., Ramdani, N., Adjir, M., Taleb, S., ... & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Combined ozonation process and adsorption onto bentonite natural adsorbent for the o-cresol elimination. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1-18.
- Djillali, A., Fethi, B. M., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Electrostatic separation of particles used as complement to mechanical recycling plant of industrial waste. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1-11.
- Layati, M. T., Nassour,K., Nemmich, S., Brahami, M., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Experimental Analysis of a Cylindrical Ozone Generator with a Partitioned High-voltage Electrode. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 43(4), 339-350.
- Louati, H., Zouzou, N., Tilmatine, A., Zouaghi, A., & Ouiddir, R. (2021). Experimental investigation of an electrostatic adhesion device used for metal/polymer granular mixture sorting. Powder Technology, 391, 301-310.
- N Bouhamri, S Touhami, Y Bellebna, ME Zelmat… - International Journal of Environmental Studies, 2021. Experimental and numerical analysis of a tribo-electrostatic separation process of micronized plastic particles using rotating disk electrodes
- Bellebna, Y., Nemmich, S., Nassour, K., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Analysis of pulsed electric field pre-treatment for beet juice extraction: Evaluation of treatment chambers configuration effects. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 23(2).
- H. Louati, R. Ouiddir, N. Zouzou and A. Tilmatine, "Numerical and experimental analysis of the electrostatic separation of a metal/polymer mixture based on electro-adhesive force," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2021.3123265.
- Bendimerad, S. E., Baghli, S., Ayad, A., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Mutual inductance of two coaxial rectangular PCB coils incorporating magnetic layer. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 72(5), 287-296.
- Benabboun, A., Bellebna, Y., Brahami, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2021). Modelling and optimization of the waste micronized plastics recovery by triboelectrostatic separator. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ), 20(5).
- Younes, Tilmatine, Medles, Rahli, Samuila, Dascalescu. "Simulation numérique des trajectoires des particules métalliques dans le séparateur couronne-électrostatique à tambour". Acta Electrotechnica, Acadamy of Technical Science of Romania. volume 47, Number 1, 2006.
- M.Ziane, A.Tilmatine, K.Medles, J.J.Demelincourt. « Modélisation du comportement dynamique du couple “réseau-lampe”. Application à des lampes à décharge à mercure haute pression ». Acta Electrotechnica, Acadamy of Technical Science of Romania. volume 47, Number 3, 2006.
- Rezouga, M.; Tilmatine, A.; Ziane, M.; Ouiddir, R.; Medles, K. Experimental modelling of air breakdown voltage using designs of experiment. Journal of Electrical Engineering Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 15 pp.
- M. Brahami, A. Tilmatine, A. Kanssab, A. Bendaoud. “Future 400 kV Algerian Network and Radioelectric Disturbances in Dry Weather and Under Rain”. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 4, No. 2. November 2007, 207-221, 2007.
- Gourbi, M. Brahami, A. Tilmatine and P. Pirotte. Numerical simulation of corona-induced vibration of high voltage conductor Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. China Education Press and Springer-Verlag 2009. Volume 4, Number 3, 335-341
- Bellebna, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2013). Application of dielectric surface barrier discharge for air, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 13, No. 3,2013, 22–26.
- Bouregba, N., Tilmatine, A., Nemmich, S., Benmimoun, Y., & Hammadi, N. (2013). Electrical Characterization of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Ozone Generator and its Application for Wastewater Treatment. International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON), 1(5), 228-231.
- Younes, M ; Tilmatine, A; Medles, K ; Optimization of the high voltage static electrode in the electrostatic separation of particles. Materials Technology Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Pages: 213-216 Published: DEC 2005
- Kadous, N ; Miloua, F; Rahou, FZ; Tilmatine, A ; Optimisation of the electrostatic separation process using the design of experiments methodology. Materials Technology, Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Pages: 156-160 Published: SEP 2005
- Tilmatine, A; Dascalescu, L; Flazi, S; Medles, K; Ramdani, Y ; Electrostatic separation of granular particles. Materials Technology Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Pages: 207-210. Dec. 2003
- Miloua, N. Kadous, F.Z. Rahou, A. Semmah, A.Tilmatine. « Granulometric and physicochemical effect of the solid particles on filtration efficiency of an electrostatic precipitator of " Cottrell " type ». Journal of Materials Technology. Lancaschire, England. Volume 20-4. December 2005.
- Bellebna, Y., & Tilmatine, A. (2013). Application of dielectric surface barrier discharge for air disinfection. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 13(3), 22.
- Bellebna, Y., Ouiddir, R., Nemmich, S., & Tilmatine, A. (2015). Application of dielectric surface barrier discharge for food storage. Leonardo Journal of Sciences, (26), 17-28.
- Tilmatine, Z.Azzouz, M.Younes, M.Brahami, L.Dascalescu. « Séparation électrostatique des particules : une technologie efficace dans l’industrie de recyclage ». Revue Sciences et Technologie B- N°22, Décembre 2004, pp. 42-46.
- Tilmatine, S.Flazi ; M.Brahami ; A.Khaouani. « Etude de la séparation électrostatique à effet couronne d’un mélange de particules isolantes et métalliques ». Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 4ème Conférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension CNHT’2002, Guerdaïa 16-17 Janvier 2002.
- Miloua, R.Gouri, N.Kadous, A.Tilmatine, L.Dascalescu. « Etude paramétrique d’un filtre électrostatique ». Revue « Sciences et Technologie », éditée par l’ANDRU. Vol.2, 2007.
- Rezzouga A.Tilmatine,K.Medles,M.Younes,L.Dascalescu. « Étude expérimentale de la décharge couronne dans une configuration pointe-plan ». Revue « Sciences et Technologie », éditée par l’ANDRU. Vol.2, 2007.
- Gouri, N. Zouzou, F. Miloua, A. Tilmatine, E. Moreau and L. Dascalescu. « The collection efficiency of submicron particles in wire-to-cylinder ESP ». Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 7ème Conférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension. Sidi-Bel-Abbès. 19-21 Avril.2009.
- Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, K. Senouci, O. Blejan, L. Dascalescu. « Etude expérimentale de la décharge couronne généré par une configuration électrode fil-plan modifiée pour les applications de procédés électrostatiques ». Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 7ème Conférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension. Sidi-Bel-Abbès. 19-21 Avril. 2009.
- Gouri, N. Zouzou, A. Tilmatine, E. Moreau and L. Dascalescu. Study of barrier discharge electrostatic precipitator in a wire-to-square tube configuration. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 8ème Conférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2011), Tiaret-Algérie, 09-11 Mai 2011.
- bouteffaha , A. Bendaoud , A. Dahak, A. Tilmatine, K. Medles, L. Dascalescu. Etude Numérique de la Décharge Couroune Générée par une Configuration d’Electrode de Type Triode. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Hammadi, Y. Bellebna, S. Nemmich, S. Remaoun, A. Tilmatine, M. Zegar, A. Bendaoud. Développement d’une Alimentation Haute Tension à Haute Fréquence pour la génération d’Ozone. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Labair, A. Tilmatine, Y. Brahami. Etude Technico-économique pour l’Installation des Parafoudres à Variance en Algérie. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Nemmich, y. Bellebna, N. Hammadi, A. Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine, R. Ouidir. Etude Expérimentale de l’Influence des Paramètres sur l’Efficacité du Procédé de Génération d’Ozone par Décharge à Barrière Diélectrique. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Benabboun, M. Zelmat, A. Tilmatine, A. Bendaoud, M.Miloudi, K. Medles. Etude Expérimentale d’un Nouveau Dispositive d’Acquisition de Charge Triboélectrique pour les Séparateurs de Particules de Plastique. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- F.Boukhalda, M.Miloudi, M. Rezoug, K. Medles, A. Tilmatine. Modélisation Expérimentale d’un Nouveau Séparateur à Cylindres Tournants. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Brahami, A. Tilmatine, M.N. Brahami, S.M. Remaoun. Etude et Réalisation d’un Electrofiltre Mobile Alimenté par une Source Electronique de Haute Tension. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Miloua, S.M. Remaoun, D. Berached, M. Bengrit, A. Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine. Réalisation et Implantation d’un Filtre Electrostatique à Plaque pour un Incinérateur de Déchets Médicaux au CHU de Sidi Bel Abbès. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Miloudi, K. Medles, A. Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine, L. Dascalescu. Effet de la Réduction de la Surface du Lit Fluidisé et de la Nature des Parois sur le Rendement d’un Pilote Industriel de Séparation Tribo-aéro-électrostatique. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- M. Remaoun, N. Hammadi, F. Miloua, Y. Brahami, D. Berrached, A. Bendaoud, A. Tilmatine. Détermination des Valeurs Optimales d’un Filtre Electrostatique de Fumées à Deux Etages. Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.
- Rezoug, M. Miloudi, K. Medles, R. Ouiddir, A. Tilmatine. Mise en Oeuvre d’un Séparateur à Bandes Transporteuses et d’un Chargeur Triboélectrique Statique dans la Séparation Electrostatique de Mélange Isolant/ Isolant. . Algerian Journal Of Technology. N° spécial consacré à la 9èmeConférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension (CNHT 2013), Laghouat-Algérie, 09-11 Avril 2013.