Conference notices


Under the chairmanship of Professor AMERI Mohammed


Members of the Laboratory Physico Chemistry of Advanced Materials (LPCMA) of the University of Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes are organizing from May 29 to 30, 2024 the third international conference on materials science and engineering and their impacts on the environment.

Dates to remember:

- Abstract Submission : 25-01-2024

- Paper submission deadline : 02-05-2024

                                                                                                - Notification of acceptance : 10-05-2024

- Conference dates : 29-30 May 2024


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: 05 55 98 30 15, 07 72 53 44 47

The link to the conference: