logudl logudl Djillali Liabes University - Scientific Events
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Pan African University Academic Year 2020/2021

Scientific events 2019


Scientific events dated
Huawei Continue to offer certification and online exam to students September 24 and 30, 2020
Seminar of the Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory (UMR 7598 CNRS, Sorbonne University and University of Paris) June and July 2020 (broadcast by Zoom)

Resumption of the Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory seminar

September 18, 2020
 International Scientific Forum
E-learning in the time of the Corona pandemic - challenges and successes for Professor Muhammad Al-Makhli
The title of the intervention: the distance learning platform used in all Algerian universities
12 /05 / 2020
The Laboratory of Islamic Thought Studies in Algeria - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - University of Jilali Yabis - The virtual international forum on epidemics, diseases and the Maghreb from the 14th century AD - 19 AD  21 /05/ 2020
International Congress on the Arabic Language April 1-4, 2020 in Dubai
First national edition of the "My thesis in 180 seconds" competition April 15, 2020
The Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences
With the collaboration of the "Business management" laboratory, the "Mekerra" chamber of commerce and industry
a study day under the theme "Training: Solution to the obsolescence of skills in the age of technology"
March 04, 2020
The Faculty of Exact Sciences - computer science department -
Jointly with the Engineering Faculty of the University of Haute-Alsace (France)
The defense of the doctoral thesis of Mr AOUIZ Amir Abdelkader entitled:
Quality of service in multipath protocols
June 10, 2020
The visit of His Excellency the Ambassador of Zimbabwe to the UDL 10/02/2020
Meeting with His Excellency the Ambassador of Serbia  
Workshop on the development of a strategic plan for research and innovation in the field of microelectronics January 25 & 26, 2020
The Faculty of Letters and Sciences of the University of Qatar
seminar on "the knowledge economy in the State of Qatar"
October 27 and 28, 2019.
 The international francophone network of training institutions
The 8th International Colloquium of RIFEFF will take place at Oran 1 University
 November 24 and 25, 2019.
 Development cooperation program planned by the Korean International Cooperation Agency for the year 2021  
 The Faculty of Human and Social Sciences in collaboration with LABO Algeria: History and Society are organizing a space-forum for Doctorates in History on the occasion of the commemoration  November 1, 2019
 The Faculty of Electrical Engineering in collaboration with its nine research laboratories
the Third Doctoral Days of Electrical Engineering.
 December 3 and 4, 2019
 national conference entitled "The Algerian university facing entrepreneurship and emerging professions"  05/11/2019
 The Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Sidi Bel-Abbès
The National Colloquium on the theme: "Mental health of the Algerian population, what role for the university"
 1er October 2019.
 For its 2019 edition, the SIPSA exhibition is organizing its first edition of the SIPSA-Innov 'competition
which aims to promote and reward innovations and successful experiences of companies, start-ups, researchers and students engaged in an innovation process
 07-10 october 2019
 The Reference Fair for Guidance and Training (KHOTWA)
for its second edition at Sidi Bel-Abbès at the Djilali Liabès University Campus.
 April 25, 2019
 A group of Masters students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
did an internship at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez (USMBA - Morocco).
 April 03, 2019
 The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (NAJFNR)
Is an international online journal with open access, no publication or submission fees
The Faculty of Exact Sciences - Djillali Liabes University
Department of Mathematics organizes the School-Colloquium of Partial Differential Equations
08 to 10 April 2019


Scientific events 2018

Scientific events dated
Faculty of Exact Sciences Organizes the LE Workshop On Computational Chemistry for Junior Scientists  09 - 11 Décember 2018
On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the University of Jilali Al Yabis
The Deanship of the College of Technology organizes
A ceremony honoring the most prominent research professors and outstanding students, and so on
A day at two o'clock in the afternoon in the college library
09 December 2018
The University of Jilali Al Yabis organizes a special celebration on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of its inception at the level of the lecture hall of the university presidency December 15, 2018

The Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences Department of Environmental Sciences Organizes The second scientific day entitled Biodiversity, protection of natural environments and Ecodevelopment

20 Décembre 2018
The Laboratory of Oriental Research and Studies in the Civilization of the Islamic Maghreb organizes the University of Sidi Bel Abbas
The second national symposium on Emir Abdelkader Al Jazaery at the Central Library
20 December 2018
Under the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and under the supervision of His Excellency the Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments, Dr. Mohamed Issa
In coordination with the Laboratory of Oriental Studies and Research in the Islamic Maghreb Civilization, it organizes the activities of the International National Forum titled
Qur’anic Collections in Africa - The Spiritual and Patriotic Message in the Lecture Hall - Residence of Tassili
 10-11 December 2018

The Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences And the Business Management Research Laboratory And in collaboration with the CCIM-SBA- Organize a national seminar on "The role of subcontracting in local development"

 18 - 19 December 2018
The mathematics and computer science seminar "Genesis and development of the concept of stability of functional equations (in the sense of Ulam)" by Jamal Ed Dine LAZREG  1 December 2018

The mathematics and computer science seminar at the University of Sidi Bel Abbès "Extension of principal component analysis (PCA) to certain reflexive Banach spaces." by Pr. Abderrahmane YOUSFATE

 24 November 2018
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences organizes the Algerian history and society, as part of the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the University of Jilali Yabes, a national forum on the flags of the Sidi Bel Abbas region 21-22 November 2018
Holding the National Symposium of Western Universities at the Presidency of the University of Jilali Al-Yabis 18 November 2018
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences organizes the Department of Social Sciences A national forum on local development and good governance in Algeria 13-14 November 2018
The Beekeepers Association - Mount Mexico in the state of Sidi Bel Abbas With the National Association of Professional Beekeepers in coordination with the College of Natural Sciences of the University of Jilali Al Yabis organizes Training in the field of selection and maintenance of local bee breeds And that is in the lecture hall of the College of Natural Sciences and Life 10-11 November 2018
The mathematics and computer science seminar at the University of Sidi Bel Abbès "Generalities on semi-groups: Some applications." (continuation & end). "by Abdelghani OUAHAB  10 november 2018
The Mathematics and Computer Science Seminar of the University of Sidi Bel Abbès "Differential Equations in Fréchet Spaces" by Pr Mouffok BENCHOHRA  13 October 2018
On the occasion of the commemoration of the 56th anniversary of Independence Day and Youth Day A graduation ceremony was held for students of the Faculty of Medicine - DJilali University, Liabes 05 July 2018
The entrepreneurship center and Injaz el Djazair a "Leadership and management" awareness day  24 June 2018
The CNAC of sidi bel abbés proceeded to the opening of the 9th session of the UNITARD training raising awareness of the entrepreneurial spirit at the level of the entrepreneurship house of the DJILLALI Liabes university carried out for the benefit of registered university job seekers at the AWEM SBA  17 June 2018
Closing of the mathematics and computer science seminar at the University of Sidi Bel Abbès "Prime number theorem" by Abdelkader BOUYAKOUB - Oran University1 "Asymptotic expansion for the sum of the inverses of arithmetic functions linked to Pi (n)" by Hacène BELBACHIR - USTHB  30 June 2018
The mathematics and computer science seminar at the University of Sidi Bel Abbès room 8 of the Computer Science department "Generalized Markov processes. Description and Forecast" by Mohamed BELAIDI - CU El Bayadh  23 June 2018
The Mathematics and Computer Science seminar of the University of Sidi Bel Abbes "Kirchhoff's equation and some associated ordinary differential equations (scalar case)" by Mama ABDELLI  09 June 2018
The mathematics and computer science seminar of the University of Sidi Bel Abbès "Controllability Of Solution for some Fractional Differential Equations with State-Dependent Delay" by Omar BENNIHI - University of Saîda  02 June 2018 
On the occasion of the events of May 19, 1956
The University of Djilali Lyabes, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, in the presence of the Wali of Sidi Bel Abbas, organized a special celebration
19 May 2018
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences The Laboratory: Algeria: History and Society Organizes the first Seminar:
"Key figures in the history of the region of Sidi Bel Abbes" at the ATTOU BENAOUN conference room - S15 - University Campus.
 09 May 2018
organization of the fourth university marathon in Oran  08 May 2018

The State League for University Sports, in coordination with the wilaya of Sidi Bel Abbas, organized the University of Jilali Yabis in Sidi Bel Abbas, as well as the National Bureau for University Services
A national women's football championship inside the halls, at the university residence for women, Al-Khwarizmi Day
Which coincided with International Women's Day, which made the day a competitive and honorary day, indicating the position of women in sports, especially the most popular sport. Not that it is a sport of football

08 March 2018
Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Experimental Approaches & Numerical Simulations (Mechanics, Energy and Thermal) which will be organized at the level of the Faculty of Technology. 16 - 17 april 2018


Click to consult the scientific events of the year 2017